












刘凯老师解析-本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲的是Marlene Irvin帮助修复Joyland又旧又破的旋转木马给人们留下了深刻的印象。




My name is Barbara and I work at a department store. I 11 (work)there for one year when another Barbarajoined the staff. Then I changed my name tag from “Barb” to “Barbie”. 12 made me feel funny was how smallkids talked about me. “Is she really Barbie?” they asked. I changed it at my otherjob, too and began answering the phone, “This is Barbie. How can I help you?” Thecallers have gotten used to that over time, ninety percent of 13 now respond with myname: “Barbie, can you tell me. . . ” Pronouncing that long “e” sound forces yourmouth into a smile, but I have found the smile is usually returned voluntarily.



My name is Barbara and I work at a department store. I had worked there for one year when another Barbarajoined the staff. Then I changed my name tagfrom“Barb”to“Barbie”. What made me feel funny was how smallkids talked about me.“Is she really Barbie?”they asked. I changed it at my otherjob, too and began answering the phone,“This is Barbie. How can I help you?”Thecallers have gotten used to that over time, ninety percent of whomnow respond with myname:“Barbie, can you tell me. . .”Pronouncing that long“e”sound forces yourmouth into a smile, but I have found the smile is usually returned voluntarily.




It’s said that for the Englishman, his house is his castle. However, this does not mean that his house is a beautiful palace that others 14 (invite) to see. For the British, the home is a place to protect oneself from the outside world. It’s a private place in which he goes to hide away 15 the troubles of life. To the American, the home is an expression of 16 (he). Much money is often spent on each and every room 17 (create)the right “feel”according to the person’s lifestyle. Therefore, he is happy to show his house to others.



It’s said that for the Englishman, his house is his castle. However, this does not mean that his house is a beautiful palace that others are invitedto see. For the British, the home is a place to protect oneself from the outside world. It’s a private place in which he goes to hide away fromthe troubles of life. To the American, the home is an expression of himself. Much money is often spent on each and every room to createthe right “feel”according to the person’s lifestyle. Therefore, he is happy to show his house to others.



刘凯老师解析-文章大意:Smoke jumper是消防员,他们接受过在消防车无法到达的地方灭火的训练。跳烟运动员必须训练有素,非常有经验和非常健康。他们的工作很危险。

Smoke jumpers are firefighters, trained to fight fires in places that fire engines can’t reach. They travel in small planes and, 18 (use)a parachute, jump into remote wild areas to fight fires. Smoke jumpers have to respond quickly. While a fire is still small, the pilot 19 (drop)team members into the area as needed. Their first job may be to build a fire line to stop the fire fromspreading. Water is sent down to them. Smoke jumpers must be 20 (high)trained, very experienced and extremely fit. Their job is very dangerous.

刘凯老师解析:Smoke jumper是消防员,他们接受过在消防车无法到达的地方灭火的训练。他们乘坐小型飞机旅行,并使用降落伞跳入偏远的荒野地区灭火。烟雾跳伞者必须迅速做出反应。当火势仍然很小时,飞行员会根据需要将团队成员空投到该地区。他们的第一项工作可能是建立一条防火线来阻止火势蔓延。水被送到他们那里。跳烟运动员必须训练有素,非常有经验和非常健康。他们的工作很危险。


Smoke jumpers are firefighters, trained to fight fires in places that fire engines can’t reach. They travel in small planes and, usinga parachute, jump into remote wild areas to fight fires. Smoke jumpers have to respond quickly. While a fire is still small, the pilot drops/will dropteam members into the area as needed. Their first job may be to build a fire line to stop the fire fromspreading. Water is sent down to them. Smoke jumpers must be highlytrained, very experienced and extremely fit. Their job is very dangerous.


假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。最近你收到英国好友 Jim 的来信,得知他和朋友们骑车旅行一周的计划没有得到父母的许可,他感到非常沮丧。请你给 Jim 写一封回信,内容包括:

1. 表示安慰;2. 给出建议。

注意:1. 词数 100 左右;2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Jim,


Li Hua



Dear Jim,

I was sorry to hear that your cycling trip has been vetoed by your parents. I can imagine how disappointed you must be feeling right now. However, don’t despair, as there are still other options for you to enjoy your summer break.听说你的父母否决了你的自行车旅行,我很难过。我能想象你现在有多失望。然而,不要绝望,还有其他的选择让你享受你的暑假。

Firstly, you could try to persuade your parents by explaining how much this trip means to you and how responsible you will be during the trip. Secondly, you could plan some alternative activities with your friends, such as hiking or camping trips, which are also great ways to explore the outdoors and bond with your friends.首先,你可以试着说服你的父母,向他们解释这次旅行对你有多重要,以及你在旅行中会有多负责任。其次,你可以和你的朋友计划一些其他的活动,比如徒步旅行或露营旅行,这也是探索户外和与朋友联系的好方法。

Remember that your parents only want the best for you, so try to see things from their perspective and respect their decision. 记住,你的父母只想给你最好的,所以试着从他们的角度看问题,尊重他们的决定。I hope you will find a way to enjoy your summer break, regardless of the setback.我希望你能找到一种方法来享受你的暑假,别想着挫折。

Best wishes,

Li Hua


第一部分:知识运用(共两节,30 分)

第一节(共 10 小题:每小题 1. 5 分,共 15 分)

1. C;2. B;3. D;4. A;5. D;

6. C;7. A;8. B;9. C;10. D;

第二节(共 10 小题:每小题 1. 5 分,共 15 分)

11. had worked;12. What;13. whom;

14. are invited;15. from;16. himself;17. to create;

18. using;19. drops/will drop ;20. highly;

第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,38 分)

第一节(共 14 小题:每小题 2 分,共 28 分)

21. A;22. C;23. D;24. B;25. D;

26. C;27. D;28. B;29. D;30. C;

31. A;32. B;33. C;34. A;

第二节(共 5 小题:每小题 2 分,共 10 分)

35. E;36. F;37. G;38. D;39. B;

第三部分:书面表达(共两节,32 分)

第一节(共 4 小题:第 40、41 题各 2 分,第 42 题 3 分,第 43 题 5 分,共 12 分)

40. An organization that helps at-risk teens.

41. They grow seeds, maintain and water plants, harvest the produce and learn to create their own meals.

42. The four gardens were built only to provide an educational opportunity for at-risk teens.

The four gardens were built to provide both food for homeless people and an educational opportunity for at-risk


43. 略。








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