

China’s population has declined(减少) for the first time in six decades, with the national birth rate for 2022 falling to a record low and the nation’s deepening demographic(人口统计学的) crisis threatening far-reaching implications(可能的影响) for economic growth.Deaths outnumbered births in China as its overall(全面的) population plummeted(速降) by 850,000 people – to 1.4118 billion in 2022, down from 1.4126 billion a year earlier, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said on Tuesday.


NetEase Inc. turned down an offer from US games publisher Blizzard to extend their China licensing agreement by six months, setting the stage for the withdrawal(撤回) of global titles like World of Warcraft from the top gaming market.


China’s economy grew by 2.9 percent in the fourth quarter of last year, bringing the full-year growth rate to 3 percent in 2022, data released on Tuesday showed.The fourth quarter growth was down from 3.9 percent growth in the third quarter, but above expectations(预期) from Chinese data provider Wind, which had predicted 2.1 percent growth in the fourth quarter of last year.


TikTok, a short video-sharing platform owned by the Chinese company ByteDance, awarded last weekend TikTok creators from across sub-Saharan Africa for the immense(极大的) talent and creativity they brought to the platform in the past year.


Sweden and Finland must deport(驱逐) or extradite(引渡) up to 130 “terrorists” to Turkey before the Turkish Parliament will approve their bids to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Nato), President Tayyip Erdogan said.


Notorious(名声狼籍) drug lord(领主) Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman has appealed(申诉,恳求) to Mexico’s president for help due to alleged(声称) “psychological torment(折磨)” he is suffering in a US prison, his lawyer said on Tuesday.

著名毒枭Joaquin“El Chapo”Guzman的律师周二表示,他因在美国监狱中遭受所谓的“心理折磨”,已向墨西哥总统寻求帮助。

Japan is engaged(忙于) deeply on issues in Ukraine and is expected to roll out plans at the “appropriate time” to support Kyiv against Russia’s invasion, White House Indo-Pacific coordinator Kurt Campbell said on Tuesday.

白宫印太协调员Kurt Campbell周二表示,日本在乌克兰问题上积极参与,预计将在“适当的时候”推出计划,支持基辅抵抗俄罗斯的入侵。

Former Republican US president Donald Trump will on Jan 28 make the first public appearance of his 2024 presidential run in the early voting state of South Carolina since announcing his candidacy(候选资格) in November, his campaign announced on Tuesday.


Britain said on Tuesday that its breakthrough(突破) decision to provide tanks to Ukraine to fight Russia was a “moral(道德的) imperative(重要紧急的事),” as the United States said that more military aid was coming.


Moderna Inc said on Tuesday that its experimental messenger RNA vaccine for respiratory(呼吸的) syncytial(合胞体) virus (RSV) was 83.7% effective in a late-stage trial at preventing at least two symptoms(症状), such as cough and fever, in adults aged 60 and older.



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