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Mantis Shrimp Shells May Inspire Next-Generation Computer Chips


撰文/播音 克里斯托弗·因塔利亚塔(Christopher Intagliata)

翻译 Meatle

审校 乔虹

Mantis shrimp are well known for their powerful punch… strong enough to crack aquarium glass. But they also have incredible technicolor vision. “They can see in 12 different colors, they can see in different forms of polarized light, and they have some very bright and flashy colors on different parts of their bodies that they can display to each other.” Nick Roberts, a sensory biologist at the University of Bristol, in the U.K.

虾蛄以它们强有力的拳头著称…这一拳的强度足够打破水族馆的玻璃。然而,在彩色视力方面,它们也是如此的令人惊异。“它们能够辨别出12中不同的颜色,它们能看到不同形式的偏振光。它们身上的不同部分均有着相当光鲜闪亮的色彩,并将这些展现给同伴。”英国布里斯托大学(the University of Bristol)的感应生物学家尼克·罗伯茨(Nick Roberts)说。

Roberts and his colleagues investigated how the mantis shrimp create those flashy polarized signals, by examining their shells with an electron microscope. And they found that, unlike the polarizers in our sunglasses, cameras and LCD screens, the mantis shrimp use a completely novel way of polarizing light. And their method doesn’t require the material to be as thick to be effective–meaning their polarizers are incredibly thin—500 times thinner, in fact, than the ones we’ve got.


“I think like many cases of biomimetic inspiration, Nature has had 50-odd million years to do its research and development and has come up with all sorts of solutions that we’ve never thought of.” The results appear in the journal Scientific Reports. [Thomas M. Jordan et al, A shape-anisotropic reflective polarizer in a stomatopod crustacean]

“我认为这就像其他仿生技术的灵感来源一样,大自然在这5 000多万年间不断地‘研究’和‘发展’,造就了各种各样的我们从未想过的解决方案。”该项研究发表在《科学报告》。

And while you probably don’t need thinner polarized sunglasses, Roberts says this could be a game changer for next-generation computer chips—optical chips—which use photons to perform calculations. “One of the things we would love to be able to do is actually create self-assembling polarizers on a microscopic scale, or even a nanoscale, that go onto photonic chips.” Seems fitting that mantis shrimp would hold one of the secrets to making our technology… well… a little shrimpier.




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