



易君健(Junjian Yi),1978年出生于湖南省湘乡市,家里没钱读了技校,边在啤酒公司上班边自考大专,再考上浙大读研,27岁毕业后再考上香港中文大学,33岁博士毕业后在芝大经济系做博后,曾任新加坡国立大学经济系助理教授、香港中文大学经济系副教授,现任北京大学国家发展研究院经济学教授。

易君健的研究领域为人力资本经济学,人工智能经济学和发展经济学;劳动与人口经济学;健康与医疗经济学,医疗大数据分析;计量经济学,政策评估;行为经济学。研究成果发表于JPE, Review of Economics and Statistics,EJ, PNAS, International Economic Review,JLE, AEJ:Economic Policy,JDE等经济学期刊。

以下是他在芝加哥大学经济系跟着James Heckman和Gary Becker两位诺奖得主做博士后时个人主页上的自述。









BiographyDr. Yi, Junjian

Neither did I study in high school nor in college. Before entering the post-graduate school, I studied most courses at the high school and college level by myself, including Economics, Calculus, Linear Algebra, Probability Theory, Statistics, English, and Chinese Ancient Literature, among others.

Born in 1978, I grew up in a small Hunan village in inland China. After completing primary school in the village, I entered into the No. 1 Middle School of Xiangxiang City in 1990. Due to the tight family budget constraint, I chose to study at a technical school in a nearby city, Yiyang Marketing (gong xiao) School, rather than at a regular high school after I completed the middle school in 1993.At age 18, I began working as a salesman for a state owned beer enterprise, Xiangxiang Beer Co. Ltd, in my hometown and won the Distinguished Employee award in 1996-1997. I continued to sell beer there for the next few years until I resigned in 2002.

During most of my technical school years and all throughout my time as a salesman, I had been registered at the National Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations. I bought textbooks from book stores, studied during my free time, and took examinations twice a year on weekends. With years of self-studying, I obtained the associate college diploma and the college diploma in 1997 and 2001, respectively, majoring in Marketing. But I do not have a bachelor degree.

Subsequently, I took the National Postgraduate Entrance Examination and enrolled into Zhejiang University as a full-time post-graduate student in 2002. After obtaining an M.A. degree in Economics in 2005, I continued to pursue M.Phil. and Ph.D. in Economics at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and received the degrees in 2007 and 2011 respectively.

Since 2011, I have been conducting research as a post-doctoral scholar in the Department of Economics at the University of Chicago. My research interest lies in Labor and Demographic Economics and Economic Development.





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